TvN drama series “Flower of Evil” starring Lee Joon-Gi & Moon Chae-Won. Teaser trailer #3 has Moon Chae-Won stating around the 9 second mark “I did not know anything about the man I love.” Around the 22 second mark, Lee Joon-Gi states “Man who acted like he was in love. Woman who loved danger.” 

Synopsis : Cha Ji-Won (Moon Chae-Won) is a detective. She is married to Baek Hee-Sung (Lee Joon-Gi) and they a daughter. Baek Hee-Sung seems like a committed husband and father, but he hides his cruel past and lives under another person's identity. He deceives his wife completely. Cha Ji-Won learns of his deception and chases his past. 

  1. "Flower of Evil" takes over tvN's Wed. & Thu. 22:50 time slot previously occupied by "Oh My Baby."
  2. Lee Joon-Gi and Moon Chae-Won previously starred together in 2017 tvN drama series “Criminal Minds.”
  3. First script reading took place sometime during the first half of 2020 in South Korea.
  4. 2 main posters for tvN drama series “Flower of Evil.’
“Flower of Evil” is now set to first air July 22, 2020 in South Korea.