MBC drama series “The Spy Who Loved Me” (literal title). The drama series is scripted by Lee Ji-Min. This is Lee Ji-Min’s first drama series screenplay, after writing numerous movie screenplays including “Sori: Voice From The Heart,” “The Age of Shadows,” and “Forbidden Dream.” The twist in the screenplay of “The Spy Who Loved Me” is that Yoo In-Na plays a woman who was married to a secret agent (Eric) and is now married to a secret industrial spy (Lim Ju-Hwan).
“The Spy Who Loved Me” first airs October, 2020 in South Korea (takes over MBC’s Wednesday & Thursday 9:30 PM time slot after “When I Was The Prettiest.”).

Plot Synopsis by AsianWiki: Jeon Ji-Hoon (Eric) disguises himself as a travel writer, but he is actually a secret agent for Interpol. His job as a secret agent is way for Jeon Ji-Hoon to support himself financially. He is currently divorced. He was married to Kang A-Reum (Yoo In-Na), but they divorced without Kang A-Reum learning about his secret life as a spy.

Kang A-Reum now works as a wedding dress designer. She met Derek Hyun (Lim Ju-Hwan) after her divorce and they eventually married. Her current husband works as a diplomatic official and seems gentle and warm. His secret is that he is actually a cold-blooded industrial spy. Derek Hyun treats his wife sweetly, but, for his job as an industrial spy, he will do anything. He loves Kang A-Reum sincerely, but he also hides his true self from her.

Secret agent Jeon Ji-Hoon appears in front of Kang A-Reum and Derek Hyun.